Let’s face it…

Fixing your posture feels about as enticing as doing your tax.

You probably got nagged about your posture as a kid. Maybe even as an adult.

So, you’ve already got an inner critic with a list of “shoulds” as long as your arm.

“Pull your shoulders back. Tuck your chin in. Tilt your pelvis. Brace your abs. Lift your chest. Now BREATHE!”

And you’ve already got an explanation for why you’ve still got a posture problem despite already knowing what you “should” be doing.

“You’re not disciplined enough. You’re not strong enough. Your body is faulty. And you are weakened by a modern lifestyle on which you are hopelessly dependent.”

In other words, to your inner critic, the problem is YOU and everything you depend on, and the solution is STRUGGLE against it until you lose.

Fun, huh?

It’s hardly surprising that your motivation is intermittent at best.

And that’s a hard place to be when you have to admit that posture is actually really important.

You know that poor posture contributes to your aches and pains, low self-confidence, and your waning sense of physical vitality.

You know that others see it, and notice. They might even worry about you and make earnest suggestions to try to help. But they end up just sounding critical.

You don’t want to end up all stiff and hunched over. But it feels like you’re fighting off the inevitable.

Meanwhile, life has adventures waiting for you, and you want to feel like your body has your back.

You want to meet the challenges and opportunities of life with openness, resilience, courage and enthusiasm.

So, what do you do?

Soon, I’ll put some resources here to answer that question. Meanwhile, here’s a video of a misty lake.